Universitas Airlangga Official Website

“Kaskara” as Solution to Waste Problem by PSDKU Banyuwangi Student

UNAIR NEWS – Educational Accounting Association (HMA) Off Main Campus (PDSKU) Universitas Airlangga held 2019 Accounting business Plan Competition (ABC) last week. Located at Minak Jinggo Hall, the competition is for high school and vocational students all over East Java and Bali. In the event, there were three winners, one the winner is a student of PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi.

Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS, Yarshinta Aprilia Marshanty (FKM 2016) representative of the team who won the third place in the competition, said the reason for joining the competition because they had discussed in the previous event about this product “Kaskara.”

“But the difference is the upgrade version of this product, with the same raw materials, but there are other things added for the product,” she said

The “Kaskara” product which the work of a team of 2 other members, Rahmasuciani Putri (FKM 2016) and Melan Argarini (FEB 2017), is the solution to waste problem in Gombengsari, Banyuwangi. Kaskara product is dried tea products from coffee skin, which consumed as a drink.

“The most used coffee is exsalsa. This product is available in Indonesia, but it is not very well known here, even though it has a high economic value, “she explained

The product also paid attention to the element of health because health is valued not only in humans but also to the environment. So the product is considered a necessary thing.

“Try to imagine, if there are a lot of coffee products, but only used the seeds, while the skin waste used as animal feed and compost fertilizer where the economic value is quite low compared to this product,” she continued

Not only that, another health factor is when “Kaskara” has entered the market, we will donate the sales proceeds to coffee farmers’ health insurance so that they will get BPJS insurance.

“When they get sick they can go to the hospital easily, and it will also support Indonesia’s goal of Universal Health Coverage,” he added

The background of different expertise regarding business, she continued, was the main challenge in participating in the competition. However, this is not a significant problem for this team.

“Even though you try and fail. At least, you have an experience that will be very useful in the future, ” Yarshinnta concluded.

Author: Athiya Adibatul Wasi+

Editor: Nuri Hermawan