Universitas Airlangga Official Website

The correlation of length of work and mental workload with work stress at FKM UNAIR Surabaya lecturers

Illustration by Tribunnews.com

Lecturers play an essential role in Tri Dharma of higher education. Education, research, and community service are workloads in their daily activities. Loads that exceed capacity cause work stress. Increased workloads and stress increase the risk of fatigue. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between workload and work stress at Faculty of Public Health (FKM), Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Surabaya.

This type of research is an observational study with a design cross-sectional. The study population was 74 active lecturers, and the research sample was 43 lecturers at FKM UNAIR Surabaya. The selected sample using simple random sampling technique with a lottery and collecting data using a questionnaire containing a statement of workload (NASA TLX) work stress and fatigue (IFRC). Data analysis used the Spearman correlation test.

The results showed that most of the lecturers experienced moderate fatigue during their tenure. This is indicated by the presence of 24 lecturers or around 55.8% of 43 lecturers experiencing moderate fatigue, and 19 other lecturers experiencing mild fatigue. In measuring the workload, there were 25 (58.1%) respondents who got a score that was in the very high workload category (scores obtained were between 80 to 100), 17 people (39.5%) with a score of 50 to 79 (high workload. ) and one person who has a relatively high workload with a score in the range between 30 to 49. The results of the correlation analysis show that the relationship between work stress and fatigue with a very significant value of 0.000 and a correlation coefficient of 0.583, which means that the relationship is strong and unidirectional.

Job stress and fatigue have a strong, positive and unidirectional relationship. Efforts are needed to increase work comfort and minimize the occurrence of work stress by giving awards to lecturers who excel and maintaining harmonious communication between lecturers. Support or appreciation as a form of appreciation for lecturer performance. It can be in the form of maximizing the provision of remuneration for lecturers according to the results of the workload evaluation.

Author: Noeroel Widajati

Link: https://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijfmt/article/view/10710

(The Correlation of Length of Work and Mental Workload with Work Stress at University Lecturers )