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The role of nurses in providing health education

Illustration of RSUP Hospital

Indonesia is one of the countries experiencing a double burden and struggling with both infectious and non-communicable diseases. Several articles stated that the high incidence of illness was partly due to the lack of health education received by patients by health workers. Providing health education is one of the obligations of health workers. Health care workers who intensively interact with patients are nurses. It means that nurses must be equipped with the ability to educate patients and their families about health care.

The ability of nurses to provide health education must include education on preventive (prevention), promotive (health improvement), curative (treatment) and rehabilitative (returning function to normalcy) efforts. Seeing the importance of the role of nurses in health services, an article entitled “The Phenomenon of Patient Health Education by Nurses in Hospital” provides an overview to readers about how nurses carry out the process of delivering this knowledge to patients and their families. Thus, this article uses a qualitative research method with the approach phenomenology. This approach was chosen because it can understand, explain, and provide in-depth meaning about the implementation of education by nurses in the hospital.

The results of this study to improve communication between a nurse with patients and their families to educate in preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative efforts.

Author: Ira Nurmala

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. 11, No. 03 (issn / e-issn: 0976-0245 / 0976-5506) pages 1606-1609. Articles.

Link: http://www.ijphrd.com/scripts/IJPHRD%20March_2020%20(11).pdf


Fajriyanti, LA, Nurmala, I., and Hargono, R. (2020). The Phenomenon of Patient Health Education by Nurses in Hospital. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 11 (3), 1606-1609