Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Tips to Achieve Success at Final Exam from 2017 PSDKU Outstanding Student

NANIK Ning Rahayu participates in 2018 FPK UNAIR outstanding student selection (Photo: Private collection)
NANIK Ning Rahayu participates in 2018 FPK UNAIR outstanding student selection (Photo: Private collection)

UNAIR NEWS – Final Semester Examination (UAS) is a final exam regularly conducted as the end stage of a course in a semester. This year’s UAS even semester is held after Eid-al-Fitr 1440 AH holiday.

Nanik Ning Rahayu, Outstanding Student (Mawapres) of Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in 2017 has shared tips for achieving success in even semester final exam (UAS). On Sunday, June 6, the outstanding student, known as Nanik, explained that studying for UAS is ineffective if it was conducted overnight.

“Everyone has a different learning method. The most important thing for your study, stay focused, and do not rush to review all the lessons. They may be forgotten,” said the class 2016 student of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK).

Furthermore, she said that free time could be used to review the lessons given by lecturers in the classroom to minimize extra lessons to be reviewed a night before UAS. She also advised other students to find an effective time that can make students focus on learning.

“Lastly, my last tips for UAS success is to pray and worship as hard as you can,” she said.

In today’s modern era, she explained, sometimes the study focus of students can be easily distracted. Mapping academic achievements are one way to improve student study focus. For students who like to memorize, Nanik also shared tips on memorizing effective material. Material is well understood by rewritten it on a piece of paper and attached it to the wall so that when you go to sleep, you can read it again.

“Passion for studying sometimes has to be grown. We must recognize ourselves, and we can make creative ideas, so studying mustn’t be avoided. We must be optimistic with our abilities, ” she said.

According to him, optimistic students are students who do everything seriously, set priority in the right portion, and never underestimate everything.

“Optimism in oneself must be fostered as early as possible so that we will not easily fall when an unexpected thing happens. After we have done our best, both in studying and praying, we should never abuse our bodies. They also need adequate rest. Keep up your spirit and do your best,” she concluded.

Author: Dian Putri Apriliani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan