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TNI AD Health Center Chief: Beware of Bioterrorism in Indonesia

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has held another national seminar. This time on Friday, December 16, Health Administration and Policy (AKK) master program of Faculty of Public Health (FKM)  invited the chief of TNI AD Health Center,  Maj. Gen. dr. Bambang Pratomo Sulistyanto, M.M, as the speaker in the seminar.

The seminar held in Garuda Mukti Hall Management Office Building Campus C was titled “Effort to Improve National Health Security through National Health System Internalization”. There was Vice Rector I Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., Sp.PD., K-GH., FINASIM, representing UNAIR Rector and giving the speech in presence of hundreds of participants. In his speech, Prof. Djoko stated 5 pillars of learning.

“They are To KnowTo Do. So not only learning to know but also to do it. Then To Be, be an individual not personally but socially,” he explained.

Mayjen TNI dr. Bambang Pratomo Sulistyanto, M.M, (Foto: UNAIR NEWS)
Maj. Gen. TNI dr. Bambang Pratomo Sulistyanto, M.M, (Photo: UNAIR NEWS)

“The fourth is To Live Together. As social being, we must be able to live together with other human beings around the world. And the last is Iqro which means to read. To read means not only reading in the beginning only but also to read and learn in any field of study as long as our life,” he added.

Prof. Djoko stated that the national seminar was a continuation of positive activities. “Because all positive activities supporting national security improvement should be maintained, sustainability is needed and should be maintained,” he said.

In the beginning of his presentation Maj. Gen. Bambang said that as a military personnel he understands well that wars are not only waged through military strength but also through non-military means such as through Health.

Maj. Gen Bambang highlighted the use of biological weapon as terrorism mean or called as bioterrorism. “In health, we must beware of biological weapon threats,” he said.

Maj. Gen. Bambang reminded that the war of biological weapon can be fatal as it is more difficult to trace than the conventional weapon.

“If we use conventional weapon, it will be easily tracked. But with biological weapon such virus or bacteria, it will be difficult to track who made it, where it was from. The production cost is also cheaper but deadly and gives great impacts,” he said.

Maj. Gen. Bambang provided an example on biological weapon used for mass killing weapon, one of them was used in Syria. There were allegations which said that Syrian has used dangerous compound called Sarin Gas, colorless and odorless with extreme potential to be nerve agent.

“The casualties reached 70 thousand people. It is included as war crime,” he said.

In the end of his presentation, Maj. Gen. Bambang reminded that national security is started from individuals’ spirit to build personal security.

“Let us rebuild our personal security started with our professionalism, which will support us for family security and finally national security,” he said.

“In the future, national health security will depend on the current Indonesian youth,” he added. (*)

Author : Dilan Salsabila
Editor    : Binti Q. Masruroh