
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Today 1,656 UNAIR Students Graduated

UNAIR NEWS – The graduation of bachelor, master, doctoral and three year program students of September period ran majestically. Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Nasih, MT., SE., Ak., CMA., on the first day of graduation, Saturday, September 24, graduated 1,656 UNAIR students.

Held in Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C UNAIR, Rector delivered his speech in presence of 333 three year program, 1017 bachelor program, 278 master program and 28 doctoral program graduates. In his speech, Rector encouraged the graduates was one post of their achievements during their study in UNAIR. Beside congratulating them, Rector also explained the importance of implementing the knowledge they acquired in UNAIR.

“In this regard, may all of us be the ones referred in the noble teachings, as people who are most useful to others,” said Prof. Nasih.

Furthermore, in presence of the parents, UNAIR Rector also encouraged them to always have concern for the society and he emphasized that that concern is a commitment made since they started studying in UNAIR.

“Always remember your oath as in Airlangga Hymn, that along the beautiful melody we took an oath: For you my Alma mater, I solemnly swear, to dedicate life, to serve faithfully, to learn for the nation of Indonesia that I love,” said Prof. Nasih.

In his speech, he also appreciated UNAIR students who made achievements in the name of the alma mater through the 29th National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) which was held in Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) few weeks ago.

“Alhamdulillah, in PIMNAS which was participated by 145 universities in Indonesia, UNAIR was in the top three,” he said proudly. (*)

Author : Nuri Hermawan