Operates Two Babies Every Week
Not few babies were born with heart defects. Most of them were with atrial septal defect (ASD) andventricular septal defect (VSD). ASD is the hole in the wall which separates two chambers of the heart while VSD patients has a hole in the wall that separates the heart’s ower chamber (Septum). Babies with VSD will have difficulties to breastfeeding, growth, with short breaths and easily tired. According to a specialist of RSUD dr Soetomo, dr.Agus Sulistiyono, SpOG(K) from Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), the observation to infant’s heart can be done during pregnancy.
If a defect exist, therapy cannot be performed but knowing it sooner will ease the anticipation for the baby’s early life.
Jawa Pos , July 15, 2016 page 36
Bidikmisi Independent Admission Registration Extension
Opportunity to free study for financially challenged students is still opened. The applicants for this Bidikmisi program can apply in independent channel. In Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), the registration period is still opened until July 19. UNAIR Rector, Prof. Moh Nasih explained that the applicants have reached 5000 people. But as of now, UNAIR only accepts 666 students, from SNMPTN 373 students and from SBMPTN 293 students. Meanwhile Independent Admission has been closed with applicants reaching 10 thousands. At 1300 local time, the applicants for independent admission were 10,143 applicants.
Sindo, July 15, 2016 page 28
Author :Afifah Nurrosyidah
Editor : Dilan Salsabila