Universitas Airlangga Official Website

TOGA TAKAKURA as Organic Vegetable Solution by PSDKU UNAIR Students

Community Service Team of KM PSDKU with residents of Tamansari Village after TOGA TAKAKURA planting. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Community Service activities in the assisted village, Tamansari Village, on the third day of the TOGA TAKAKURA training to PKK activists in Ampel Gading Hamlet, Tamansari Village.

The dissemination of TOGA TAKAKURA production was carried out in the head of RT 2 RW 1 house with 20 PKK activists attending. TOGA or commonly known as family medicinal plants is a very important thing for a family. It does not need too much land and it is also a form of the initial action in creating an environmentally friendly home area.

Whereas TAKAKURA is a technique in making organic fertilizers from the remains of kitchen waste, such as vegetable trash and fruit skin mixed with several other ingredients.

To UNAIR NEWS, Meirina Hapsah as the person in charge of TOGA TAKAKURA activities, explained that in the beginning of the activity, she gave a test to all participants before the activity and in the end of the activity.

“The objective is to measure the knowledge of the community regarding TOGA TAKAKURA. Furthermore, from some of the questions we asked to attending PKK activists, they did not know about the utilization of vegetable waste or organic kitchen waste. They usually throw them away or give them to livestock, “she said.

The 2016 FKM student also explained that the media she used was in the form of leaflets containing the steps in making TOGA TAKAKURA for direct practice. At the end of the activity, the committee also distributed seed of lettuce and mustard greens with direct organic fertilizer to be planted in the community’s garden.

“We hope the residents know the basic knowledge about organic waste that can be utilized. We also hope that these mothers can cultivate organic vegetables in their own gardens. So they could eat organic vegetables picked from their own garden, the fertilizer is from their kitchen and the results are used for themselves, ” she concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan