Universitas Airlangga Official Website

With Dikti, UNAIR conducts monitoring and evaluation for bureaucratic reform and development of Integrity Zone

Dr. Koko Srimulyo, M.Si., delivers a speech at monitoring and evaluation for Bureaucratic Reform and Development of Integrity Zone. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – A well-ordered bureaucracy in a transparent, honest, and humanist work environment, seem to be a serious concern for Universitas Airlangga. It was proven by UNAIR’s active role in following a series of monitoring and evaluation processes for Bureaucratic Reform and the Development of an Integrity Zone by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti), Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

The activity held in AMERTA Hall Campus C UNAIR on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 was opened by Secretary of University, Dr. Koko Srimulyo, M.Si. In his remarks, Koko said that in principle, the program had become a foundation for UNAIR to continue to be committed and creative in providing the best service.

“In fact, since there was a rector’s decree regarding bureaucratic reform, we are going faster in structuring the bureaucracy and building the integrity zone. And of course, all of that also follows the guidelines from the Directorate of Higher Education, “he said.

Furthermore, Koko also said that so far UNAIR has done its best to carry out bureaucratic reform and development of an integrity zone. One of them is in terms of procurement. According to him, UNAIR has done it openly and there is no opportunity for certain parties to take advantage.

“Therefore, we are very grateful for this event. So we can continue to improve and provide the best service to the community, “he said.

Meanwhile, in response to Koko’s statement, a representative from Dikti, Adhrial Refaddin, in his presentation said that this monitoring and evaluation was a joint learning moment. According to him, even though his party was the assessing team, there were many things from UNAIR that could be used as lessons for him.

“We think UNAIR has done this very well. Therefore, our arrival is more accurately described as an exchange of experiences. Of course, we also hope that from this activity, the process of bureaucratic reform and the integrity zone can run well, “stated by supervision evaluator.

Author: Nuri Hermawan