UNAIR NEWS – There were 110 proposals of Universitas Airlangga Student Creativity Program (PKM) out of 700 proposals submitted which successfully pass the funding selection by General Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Belmawa Kemenristekdikti).
The result of selection was announced on Kemenristekdikti website, Tuesday, April 10. There was a percentage improvement from last year. Last year’s 1,360 titles only passed 134 (10%). This year, from 700 passes 110 (15.71%). But overall, UNAIR student proposals that go to the Student Affairs Directorate reached 1,500 titles. However, the new regulations mention after the internal selection, each university can only submit 700 titles.
In the briefing to PKM lecturers of the 110 titles that passed, the Director of Student Affairs UNAIR. M. Hadi Shubhan, SH., MH., CN., Tuesday, April 10, was grateful that UNAIR is still at the top ten list of universities with PKM proposals funded by the government.
“There are different regulations in the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) 2018, the strength and competition will be evenly distributed. Hopefully from 110 titles we can pass 21 PKM titles to PIMNAS 2018, “said Hadi Shubhan, hoping the team PKM UNAIR maintain quality and effectiveness, with small team but won many medals.
As explained both by the Director of Student Affairs and Coordinator of PKM UNAIR Dr. Eduardus Bimo Aksono, drh., M.Kes., new rules of PIMNAS 2018 said that each university will only send 21 PKM titles, in line with the 21 presentation classes to be held in PIMNAS which is planned to be held in Jogyakarta.
“In PIMNAS 2018, it is possible in one presentation to have more than one PKM team winning the gold medal. For the gold medal, a team must score a certain score. It has not been decided yet. For example the gold score is 250 points, then the team who can achieve a score above 250 they will get a gold medal, “said Dr. E. Bimo Aksono.
Of the 110 proposed titles of PKM UNAIR that pass the funding selection, there were 21 titles of PKM Entrepreneurship (PKMK), 19 PKM Invention (PKMKC), 19 PKM Community Service (PKMM), 37 PKM Exacta Research (PKMPE), 8 PKM Social Humanities and Applied Research (PKMSH), and 6 PKM Technology (PKMT).
According to Bimo Aksono, after the announcement of this result, PKM participant students must finalize the research topic submitted. Participants and their supervisors were also asked to observe the rules of writing PKM work, research, and other regulations determined Kemenristekdikti.
General Directorate Belmawa Kemenristekdikti in PKM program in 2018 passed 4,183 titles of PKM proposals to get funding. The 3,010 titles were from state universities (PTN) and 1,173 PKM titles from private universities (PTS) all over Indonesia.
The top ten universities that passed their PKM team got Kemenristekdikti funding were: (1) UGM 227 PKM titles, (2) UB 175 titles, (3) ITS 148 titles, (4-5) IPB and Undip each 140 titles , (6-8) Unhas, UI, and UNY each have 123 titles, (9) Univ Andalas 114 titles, and (10) UNAIR 110 PKM titles. (*)
Author: Bambang Bes