
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Transfer of Knowledge in FKG with Japanese Oral Surgery Professor

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) has had another visiting professor program. From July 15 – 22, Prof. Norifumi Nakamura, DDS Ph.D visited Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) to contribute in the implementation of University Tri Dharma.

In his visit, the Oral Surgery Professor gave a lecture for the bachelor, master and doctoral program. Nishimura who speaks Indonesian fluently also gave direct supervision and consultation on master and doctoral program students’ researches. The man who likes Indonesian food also directly contributed in a social activity of cleft lip operation with FKG UNAIR oral surgery team in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. In the occasion, there was transfer of knowledge and experience sharing between him and the team.

In the interview, Nishimura said that Indonesian students and dentists’ way of thinking is on par with Japanese students and dentists’. He suggested that Indonesia manages the data of cases or researches well, so the transfer of knowledge with the next generation can be performed well. The science development of Indonesia will be better. (*)

Author : FKG Public Relations

Editor: Rio F. Rachman