
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UKM Airlangga Religious Arts Ready to Make Achievements

UNAIR NEWS – As students’ club officially established last January, UKM Airlangga Religious Arts expressed its eagerness to make achievements for the alma mater. After a long process of establishment, finally the UKM can start their activity and implement their program as well as open for membership in February. This year they have planned to compete at various national events which will hone their skills and give opportunities to make achievements.

“The preparation of the UKM establishment has been started since August 2015, after a long administrative process finally UKM was established by university, with this, we’re ready to make achievements,” said Sandi Machmudin, the head of UKM Airlangga Religious Arts during interview on Wednesday February 24.

This UKM consists of divisions such as Banjari, Calligraphy, Nasyid and Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran. It was a collaboration of Rebana Arts Community (Serban) and Al-Qur’an Lover Community (Kontaq) from UNAIR. Serban was UNAIR community of rebana and sholawat, it often performs and invited in many events. Kontaq on the other hand, was a community of UNAIR students to learn reading, memorizing, and reviewing the holy Qur’an.

After few years as communities with great achievements, both communities agreed to collaborate as one organization. The establishment of this UKM was also supported by many UNAIR students who have talents in Islamic Arts but there was not an official organization which facilitated them. As an initial support to students with talents, an official organization which develops their talents was needed to make achievements, individually or in the name of the institution.

“Students should not worry any longer to develop their interest as this UKM has facilitated them. Hopefully, the UKM runs well and make achievements,” said the student of UNAIR Faculty of Humanities.

Author: M Ahalla Tsauro
Editor: Nuri Hermawan