UNAIR NEWS – After a week of successful stories in “Yogyakarta Super Grappler Submission Challenge 2016” and “Han Fighting Champion”, another achievement made by student activity unit (UKM) Ju Jitsu Universitas Airlangga. This time, they were named champion in “10th Ju Jitsu UNESA Open Championship” held in Universitas Negeri Surabaya. It was held in Bima Sports Centre UNESA, Campus Lidah Wetan, on Sunday May 29.
“10th Ju Jitsu UNESA Open Championship” or known as KJUO X was followed by at least 270 students from all around Indonesia. There were 16 contingents from UKM Ju Jitsu made it to bring home 10 medals from five categories. They were amateur, regular, team, junior and demo.
Medals they brought home were First place of Male Regular Class A, First place of Male Regular Class B, First place of Female Regular Class B, Second place of Female Regular Class A, Second place of Male Free fight, Third place of Male Free fight, Third place of Male Class B, Third place of Female Class A, First place Female Team and First place Male Team.
“I am grateful for this achievement, I could bring UKM Ju Jitsu UNAIR at national level. And now the big clubs will notie us,” said Santoso, one of the members from Faculty of Vocations (FV) who got medal in Male Regular Class B.
Santoso hoped that next year students will be obliged to join UKM so there will be regenerations to make other achievements.
From the championship, UNAIR should be proud because even though it does not have faculty on sports, with standard facility but it did not stop the students to hone their skills at it. Continuity of physical and expertise possessed by the athletes was the biggest resource in facing championship.
Next August, UKM Ju Jitsu will attend SOBJJ competition and One Pride Audition. Ibnu Sina as the head of UKM Ju Jitsu said that the athletes are getting ready for those.
“Later we will have tighter practice. There will be more technical and physical practice. Strong physic will create perfect technique. Besides, repetition during practice is the mother of skill,” said Ibnu. (*)
Author : Disih Sugianti
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh