
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UKM UNAIR Starts Activating Business Bank Accounts

UNAIR NEWS – To improve accountability, Directorate of Student Affairs with Bank Mandiri invited the 37 student activity units (UKM) to use official business bank account of each UKM. The official bank account later will be used for banking transactions in running the organizations, either for competition event, seminar, or other events.

The process and technical activation explanation of the accounts was attended by UNAIR UKM coordinator, Deni Yasmara, M.Kep, representative of Bank Mandiri Hospital Branch Mariana Hernuni Tri W., and representatives of 37 UKM in UNAIR on Monday June 13.

Deni said that the activation of the accounts will improve students’ accountability. All financial transactions on behalf of UKM was not controlled from a private account, but in the name of UKM.

“Competition softskill and expressive arena have had by the UKM. Now it’s time for upgrading their level, accountability level. All financial transactions on behalf of UKM will be controlled through an account under the UKM’s name. So Student Affairs directorate can check anytime and anywhere,” said Deni.

Besides, with this opened bank accounts, students are also ready for the vision of university holding promoted by UNAIR officials. “The mission of Vice Rector IV is holding. So we’d like to get sponsorships from anywhere because of trust. And trust started from the bank account. It is to trained their accountability since at college,” said Deni.

In this activation process, the representative of each UKM giving Rector’s decree on their UKM establishment, and ID card of the UKM’s head or treasury. They are the requirements for opening UKM business bank account. So, after all UKM met the requirement, Bank Mandiri will activate the accounts.

Mubarok Abdullah as the head of Islamic Religious UKM (KI) UNAIR said that UKMKI welcomed this bank account opening well. It will make the UKM more accountable and ease them in performing financial transactions.

His party also said that who will be given access to the account is the head and treasury of UKMKI. Even though there is a problem, but his unit will fully support this independent UKM bank accounts.

“There a problem on some regulations. We should at least in the end of the month we have to make sure that there 10 million in our account. If not, we will be fined. But still we will fully support this plan by making UKM in UNAIR more professional and as a support of UNAIR implementing university holding,” said Mubarok. (*)

Author : Binti Q. Masruroh
Editor    : Defrina Sukma S.