
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR to Admit 1,830 Freshmen from SBMPTN

UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mochammad Nasih (second from the left) during press conference of 2017 SBMPTN Official Launching, Tuesday, April 11 in the SBMPTN Local Committee 50, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga for 2017 State University Joint Entrance Test (SBMPTN) will admit 1,830 students. It was stated by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mochammad Nasih, during press conference of 2017 SBMPTN official launching, on Tuesday, April 11, in the SBMPTN Local Committee 50, Universitas Negeri Surabaya.

“2017 SBMPTN process started today will benefit thousand or even hundreds of thousand senior high school students (SMA) as this process will determine their future. Therefore, the organization of SBMPTN, some improvements are needed,” said Nasih.

One of the things improved by UNAIR for this SBMPTN is the increasing quota for computer based test (CBT). This year, UNAIR has prepared 855 units for CBT. It is more than a third of total computers used by Local Committee 50 which are 2,175 units. Nationally, the total computers used for the CBT are more than 30,000 units.

As planned, the 2017 SBMPTN CBT will be held in faculties of UNAIR such as Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). “Almost all faculties prepare their facility,”said Nasih.

Regarding the test quality, Nasih said that the difficulty level is relatively similar with the previous years’ tests.

The university has a different policy for this year test. As of this year, SBMPTN test results will be also used for the independent admission selection. Therefore, the students who want to enroll through independent channel should take 2017 SBMPTN test first.

Before the test, the SBMPTN participants are encouraged to read the guideline book on the registration and selection process. The participants should register on http://pendaftaran.sbmptn.ac.id to get Registration Access Code (KAP),  Personal Identification Number (PIN), and payment slip. They then wired the registration payment, Rp 200.000 to the appointed banks receiving SBMPTN payments. During the registration, they are required to upload their documents and fill in the supporting forms.

On choosing the programs, every SBMPTN participants can choose up to three programs of their choice, one program in state university anywhere or two programs or more but one of them should be in the same region with their registration venue.

The other program can be chosen from the PTN outside the region where they are registered. They should keep in mind, their order of choice is their prioritization.

In 2017, UNAIR will admit 5,225 bachelor students. For SNMPTN, UNAIR admits 1,824 and SBMPTN 1,830 students and Independent admission 1.571 students. (*)

Author : Defrina Sukma

Editor    : Binti Q. Masruroh