Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Banyuwangi Students Call for Justice Through a Protest

Students demand justice in front of the council's office by UNAIR Banyuwangi students. (Photo: Ananda Wildhan)

UNAIR NEWS – Lately, protests carried out by students coming in waves in various regions in Indonesia. The protests target various policies that do not take the people side, voiced directly by thousands of students from various universities, both public and private, including PSDKU Universitas Airlangga students in Banyuwangi.

At precisely eight o’clock in the morning, on Wednesday, September 19, hundreds of UNAIR Banyuwangi students with students from other universities in Banyuwangi held protests in front of Banyuwangi Legislative Council (DPRD) Building. In the protest, there were five main demands for the community.

Hundreds of UNAIR Banyuwangi students during protest demanded justice before the council. (Photo: Ananda Wildhan)

The students demanded the president to issue PERPU regarding Law weakening KPK, asked the executive and legislative to immediately make new laws that do not give rooms for corruption, supported judicial review of newly enacted KPK Law, called on the executive and legislative institution to involve academics such as lecturers, students, religious leaders in making laws and regulations, and urged DPRD Banyuwangi to reject Law No.30 of 2002 concerning KPK verbally and in written form.

After speaking up in front of the DPRD Banyuwangi Building, the mass was given the opportunity to enter the building and some representatives had a direct dialogue with members of the council to submit demands from the action movement. From the discussion, an agreement was reached that DPRD Banyuwangi would submit their demand to the highest legislative institution in the central with signatures on legal stamp witnessed by the mass.

After the demands of students were heard and agreed upon by the council, the protest held in an orderly, safe, peaceful, and orderly manner was closed by signing a white cloth together with the members of DPRD Banyuwangi as proof that the council members had seen, heard, and present in the oration. After the protest, hundreds of UNAIR Banyuwangi students, along with other university students returned to their campuses. (*)

Author: Dewi Masluqiyah

Editor: Nuri Hermawan