
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Banyuwangi Students Initiates Airlangga Teaching Movement

UNAIR NEWS – Department of Social Student Family (KM) PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi held GAME (Airlangga Teaching Movement), Saturday, May 26. There were 22 student volunteers supporting the tagline “One action, love the country, ready to serve”. It was held at SDN 1 Karangrejo targeting students  from Clas 1 to Class 5.

The purpose of the activity was to help students in school and to improve the awareness of students to the existing problems around them so they can contribute in solving them.

Chief executive of activity Khansa Fatihah Muhammad revealed that it was the second event after the previous year done successfully.

“Our targets are remote schools which need educational assistance and have less exposure,” said Khansa.

Nur Azizatul Ikrima as the secretary and coordinator of social department revealed, the theme of first day activity on Saturday, May 26 was pursuing a dream.

“We invited students to describe their dreams in writing and drawing,” she explained.

Ikrima revealed, she and the team emphasized that dreams are not only limited to professions they often hear, such as doctors, pilots, police.

“We explain dreams from different sides. The aspirations of being a farmer, a rancher, and a fisherman, as long as it is good and useful for yourself and others is certainly good as well. Not necessarily working in a certain professions earlier, “said Ikrima.

Khansa added that she and the team stressed that even be farmers, farmers and fishermen, should be more successful than their parents with more land and more income. Hopefully, it could help people around.

“Being a farmer, a rancher and a fisherman, is also a noble job, making it easier for us to get rice, chicken, fish and many other products,” she added.

The enthusiasm of the participants was quite high. The teachers also supported the implementation of the event and hope such activities can continue in the following years. And, it could be an example for other universities, especially in Banyuwangi. (*)

Author: Siti Mufaidah

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh