Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR expert says three keys preventing stunting

UNAIR NEWS – Quoted from various media sources, President Joko Widodo, has recently expected stunting rate to decrease by 14% in 2024. In this regard, Farida Fitriana, S.Keb., Bd., M.Sc Lecturer in the Midwifery program of Faculty of Medicine UNAIR encourages the public to optimize the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) through a webinar initiated by Team 149 of KKN-BBM UNAIR students.

“Babies born in the world are not impossible without labor, then infancy period. There are 270 days in the womb and 730 days after birth, this is called First 1000 Days of Life (HPK),” explained Farida. “It includes key phrases that need to be considered properly so that chronic nutritional disorders such as stunting do not occur,” she added.

On the meaning of stunting, Farida explained that stunting is part of chronic malnutrition characterized by weight and body length that does not meet age standards.

“A newborn baby weighed less than 2500 grams and length less than 48 centimeters long, should be watched out for, as a feature of stunting,” she said.

She explained the reason why length and weight alone should get attention because stunting can inhibit intelligence and trigger diseases.

“Stunting affects brain development and educational success, it can even increase the risk of non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, stroke, and heart,” she told UNAIR NEWS on January 27.

Farida Fitriana, S.Keb., Bd., M.Sc Lecturer in Midwifery of FK UNAIR. (Photo: Personal document)

To overcome the impact of stunting, continued Farida, the need for sustainable and comprehensive intervention for pregnant women and mothers is to prepare First 1000 Days of Life (HPK), such as:

  1. 1. Consumption of blood-booster tablets

She mentioned one out of three pregnant women has anemia, and it can inhibit oxygen intake to the fetus, so it can cause premature, low baby weight, and potential stunting.

“Preparing 1000 HPK is not expensive, young women during menstruation are recommended to take blood-booster tablets, as well as pregnant women to meet the needs of iron and folic acid,” explained Farida.

  1. 2. Striving for antenatal care quality assurance

“Periodical medical pregnancy examination can help the mental and physical health of pregnant women in preparing for childbirth, postpartum, breast milk, and so forth,” explained the FK lecturer.

  1. 3. Fulfilling the nutritional needs

Farida encouraged brides-to-be and wives preparing for pregnancy to maintain a balanced lifestyle and nutritional diet.

“Substitute fast food with high-nutritious foods such as vegetables,” she stated.

Furthermore, for the bride, Farida continued, to prevent lack of chronic energy (KEK), her arms circle should have 23.5 cm circumference. As a closing statement, Farida revealed that the cause of stunting was multifactor. “Do not get busy with the wedding preparations so that we lose attention to the bride’s nutritional needs,” she concluded.

Author: Viradyah Lulut Santosa

Editor: Nuri Hermawan