Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR FKG Dean inaugurates 76 new dentists remotely

Oath-taking ceremony for dentists at UNAIR Faculty of Dental Medicine on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 conducted online. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – In the third period of 2020, Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) inaugurated 76 dentists on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. Being streamed via zoom and youtube, the dentist’s oath-taking ceremony carried out in a sacred manner.  

In his speech, Dean of FKG UNAIR Dr. Agung Sosiawan drg., M.Kes. said that there were 5,816 dentists and dental specialists inaugurated by UNAIR since 1948. To the graduates, he emphasized that their knowledge must be held accountable before God.

As UNAIR alumnus, graduates have the responsibility to be excellent, smart alumni that are able to make contribution for the glory of the nation and state. Agung Sosiawan hoped that the mandate can be carried out as well as possible.

“As graduates from an international university, you must maintain UNAIR’s good reputation. As well as your dignity as a dentist that reflects the graduates from UNAIR that we are proud of, “he emphasized.

Meanwhile, Director of UNAIR Dental Hospital Prof. RM Coen Pramono D. drg., SU., Sp.BM (K) also congratulated graduates and urged graduates to remain vigilant against Covid-19. “Congratulations and continue success to all of you as you have completed your dental medicine education well. Always be careful and don’t underestimate Covid-19, ” he said.

In the end, UNAIR Rector, represented by UNAIR Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, and Community Development Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, drh., DEA reminded the graduates that the challenges ahead are even bigger. It requires them to continue learning.

“Continue to learn, uphold integrity, discipline, and professional ethics so you can co-exist and live side by side in society as well as possible,” he said.

In his remarks, Prof. Bambang also explained UNAIR’s latest achievements. He conveyed that Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) last June has put UNAIR in the best 521-530 position in the world after previously being ranked 650.

In addition, UNAIR has also succeeded in reaching the 124 best universities in Asia. Meanwhile, at the Southeast Asia level, UNAIR is in the top 20 best campuses. This also makes UNAIR the 4th best campus in Indonesia.

“In Indonesia, there are more than 4,000, but UNAIR is now in the 521-530 position in the world. This is not an ordinary achievement, but a significant improvement, “he concluded.

For information, the inauguration was also held offline at Campus A FKG UNAIR. Faculty leadership ranks and staff along with seven graduate representatives attended the event.

Among the 76 graduates, three of them are international students from Malaysia. They are Raihan Jamilah Bt Mohd Aroff, Mok Li Wen, and Foo Yau Jit. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh