UNAIR NEWS – In recent years, the problem of stunting among children has been the main focus in Indonesia. Moreover, according to 2013 research, the prevalence of stunting in children under five in Indonesia reached 37.8 percent.
Inspired by this condition, Farissa Riski Rahmadona, a student of Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Airlangga (FST UNAIR) created an app to detect stunting in children. The application is named “Expert Detecting Stunting System in Children Using Certainty Factor Method: A Web Based Application “.
Farissa said that the app is in the form of an expert system where the experts are pediatricians. Furthermore, the output of the system user can find out the condition of stunting in children in a fast and precise way.
“I created an innovative system of experts where the expert is a pediatrician itself. From the expert knowledge, I created a rule to detect stunting in children. The output, system users can find out the condition of stunting in children in a fast and precise way, ” explained the final year student.
In the making process, the application collaborates with a posyandu (integrated healthcare service post for mother and kids) in Bontang City to collect data, while pediatricians came from Wahab Sjahranie Hospital, Bontang. Bontang city was chosen because of the high percentage of stunting.
Farissa said that in the process, material became one of the obstacles because her study background is different from the material.
“The difficulty is because I am not from medical personnel, I have to learn the terms of child nutrition problems,” said the Information Systems student.
Farissa hoped that in the future the application can be developed, produce accurate results, and useful for detecting stunting in children more quickly and precisely.
“Because the late known stunting condition will have a bad impact on children’s development,” she added.

Furthermore, Farissa also got silver award at the International Exhibition of Research, Idea & Innovation on Creative and Humanizing (ie – RIICH’19) on (16-18 / 12/19) at the Convention Hall, Level 5 E- Learning, Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Campus (KSAJS), Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI), Malaysia for her app. (*)
Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh