
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Goes To Top 500 World Class University in 2019

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga has been appointed by the government through Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) to be top world class university. For that reason, the government will allocate Rp 5 billion for UNAIR to reach top 500 world class university in 2019.

The Head of Planning and Development Division (BPP) UNAIR, Badri Munir Sukoco, S.E., MBA, Ph.D, stated his optimism that UNAIR can be Top 500 World Class University in 2019. This year UNAIR is still at 701+ QS World University Rankings (QS – WUR).

“With cooperation, collaboration and chance management implementation, I am optimistic in 2019 UNAIR can be in Top 500 in the world,” Badri said.

Chance management implemented by mapping the SWOT and determining targets distributed with strategic plan (renstra) model to every unit work, faculty and study program. All study programs must get A accreditation from National Accreditation Agency – Higher Education (BAN – PT). Study programs with A accreditation should request for International Accreditation.

Up to now, from total 39 S1 degree study programs, 24 of them accredited A, 10 of them accredited B and other 5 are new study programs which do not have to be accreditated yet, they are 4 PDD Banyuwangi study programs (Water Management, Veterinary Medicine, Accounting, and Public Health) and Fishery Products Industrial Technology. Six of the S1 study programs have had international accreditation from ASEAN University Network – Quality Assessment (AUN – QA). Six study programs’ assessment scores were above average of AUN (4), they are Medicine with score 4.4, Pharmacist with 4.53, Legal Science with 4.6, Veterinary Medicine with 4.1, Biology with 4.6, and Chemistry 4.5.

Challenges for deans and heads of departments were formulating strategic plan (renstra) based on Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Budgeting also based on KPI. All units are expected to collaborate in improving their potentials to increase points on QS – WUR which include academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty student ratio, citation per faculty, international student ratio, and international staff ratio.

Financial Support

To reach expected ranking of top world class university, large fund is needed. The fund will be used to improve more researches, increase the lecturers, and improve infrastructures.

In addition to government allocated fund Rp 5 billion, UNAIR also expecting fund from Rp 1.4 trillion to 1.5 trillion (head count per student Rp 40 million) next year. The amount allocated from the student referred to UI, ITB and UGM which was around Rp 50 million and UB at Rp 35 million.

“If the lecturers are limited, they can only teach. Especially when there is no research fund and bad infrastructure, researches will not improve well,” he explained.

In addition to increase lecturers, their quality is also improved by giving trainings through Institute of Education Research and Development (LP3) and research workshops through Institute of Research and Innovation (LPI).

Five billion fund from the government according Badri was the trigger for UNAIR to move forward. In his opinion, UNAIR cannot rely only to the government’s fund and students’ tuition. His division has made a simulation, to get Rp 1.5 trillion from student tuition 50% maximum and 25% from the government, then another source of fund will be needed to cover Rp 300-500 billion shortage. Business units owned by UNAIR such as hospital and PT. Dharma Putra Airlangga should be improved. And UNAIR needs another new business units such as hotels and training centers.

“There are a lot of potentials which haven’t been exploited yet. UNAIR can start training centers with many skills UNAIR has. Furthermore, researches’ results can be exploited so the researches will get royalties,” he added. (ind)