Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR held awarding event for the best department and study program

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga gave appreciation for the best department and study program achievement in 2019. The awarding event took place on Thursday night, January 16 at Illira Hotel, Banyuwangi. Furthermore, the award was given after the departments and study programs presented the poster of their achievements in 2019.

Twelve best posters were chosen in the awarding night. For the departments, there were Legacy and Global Impact category, while the program category were Legacy and Journal Value.

In the event, the winner of the best department poster in the category of Legacy was obtained by department of pharmacognition and phytochemistry; the winner for the best poster in the global impact category won by department of clinical pharmacy; the winner of the best poster for the study program in the legacy category won by physics undergraduate study program and the winner of the best poster of study program in the grades selling value category obtained by information systems undergraduate study program.

UNAIR Vice Rector III Prof. Amin Alamsjah (right) give the awards to Head of Physics Department Prof. Dr. Moh Yasin M.Si. (Photo: AGT UNAIR)

One of the presentations made by Department of Pharmacognition and Phytochemistry throughout 2016-2019 has produced various achievements. Their achievement includes the total of new professors, outbound staff, inbound staff, and adjunct professors; 89 research titles, 75 scientific publications, three books, ten copyright, three target villages and ten medicine product.

Furthermore, the undergraduate study program of information systems won first place in graduate sales value category, and the study program made 4 new start-ups: lingdungihutan, Riliv, olympics.id, and upwardprojects; collaborated with 12 institutions both national and international, participated as internship students to Asia University Taiwan, and student achievements at MSU Malaysia.

The department and study program award was given on the second day of Work Meeting and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with Head of the Department and Program Coordinator in UNAIR.

Head of Planning and Development Agency Board (BPP) Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, Ph.D said that the work meeting was part of aligning government programs with tertiary institutions as the main objective of giving a wider impact to the community.

“We need to synchronize the work program with Head of Departments, because they will carry out capitalization activities with industry, government agencies, and also the community,” said Prof. Badri. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh