UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga is inaugurating four new professors on Saturday, July 8. The four new professors are expected to continue to foster science development beneficial to the life of the nation.
The four new professors to be inaugurated are Prof. Dr. Emy Susanti, Dra., MA, Prof. Dr. Bambang Soeprijanto, dr., Sp.Rad (K) A, Prof. Dr. Bagong Suyanto, Drs., M.Si., and Prof. Dr. Ririh Yudhastuti, drh., M.Sc.
In a press conference held on Thursday, July 6 in Assembly Room B Management Office Building UNAIR,  the four new professors conveyed their ideas in front of the media.
Professor of Gender Sociology Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Prof. Emy is the 459th professor of UNAIR since its establishment and the17th FISIP  active professor. Prof. Emy who is also the 167th UNAIR professor since it became a PTN-BH will deliver a scientific oration entitled “Women, Relations of Power and Gender Sociology” during her professorship inauguration.
“An understanding of gender equality need to be reinforced with a theoretical basis or built-up networking . To reinforce that understanding, we at the Center for Gender and Children Studies of UNAIR often collaborate with friends from NGOs (Non Government Organizations), ” she said.
The second professor conveyed ideas to the media crew was Prof. Bambang. Prof. Bambang is a Professor of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine. He is the 460th professor of UNAIR since its establishment and the108th FK  active professor.
Later, Prof. Bambang who is also the 168th UNAIR professor since it became a PTN-BH will deliver a scientific oration entitled “Radiological Innovation in the Molecular and Digital Era”. Prof. Bambang said, the field of Radiology is still developing.
He also added that Indonesia is still far from applying the technology of radiological innovation in the molecular and digital era as stated in his oration.
“We need to resolve the stage of infection of existing diseases in society, then radiology at the molecular and cellular level can be applied slowly,” he added.
Professor of Economic Sociology FISIP Prof. Bagong is the 461st professor of UNAIR since its establishment and the18th FISIP active professor. Prof. Bagong who is also the 169th UNAIR professor since it became a PTN-BH will deliver a scientific oration entitled “Economic Sociology: The Dynamics of Capitalism and the Lifestyle of Consumer Society in the Postmodern Era”.
Prof. Dr. Drs. Bagong Suyanto, M.Si offers a new approach in the field of economic sociology. According to Prof. Bagong, consumers are exploited by manufacturers about their consumption style. Various corporate promotions and industrial strengths make consumers unable to differentiate between wants and needs.
“When the prestige is put forward in the society, shopping is becoming a lifestyle,” he said.
Finally, Prof. Ririh, a professor of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health is the 462nd professor of UNAIR since its establishment and the11th FKM active professor. Prof. Ririh who is the 170th UNAIR professor since it became a PTN-BH will deliver a scientific oration entitled “Predicting Dengue Fever Outbreak”.
Prof. Ririh suggested that the government and society can anticipate the spread of dengue fever by observing the weather cycle. The environmental health expert also said the Aedes aegypti Dengue virus vector will develop optimally during current weather and in the rainy season.
Author: UNAIR News Team