
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Independent Admission Applicants Reach 10,143

UNAIR NEWS – Student admission through independent channel is the last opportunity for high schools students to get into Bacheler programs of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). As of Thursday, July 14, at 1300, the number of regular independent admission applicants reached 10,143 people.

It was stated by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. M. Nasih, S.E., M.T., Ak, during an interview in his office room. From the total applicants, Bachelor program of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNAIR was still the most popular with 2,540 applicants.

From the total applicants, 189 of them applied for international program with 22 applicants were foreign citizens. Last year, the foreign applicants were mostly from Malaysia. For this year, their origins were not known yet. Regarding the international class, Prof. Nasih hoped that any foreign citizens can study at UNAIR well.


In 2016, UNAIR opens independent admission through Bidikmisi program. Prof. nasih did not have quota for the channel. He said that Bidikmisi UNAIR 550 quota from the government has been fulfilled by students through SNMPTN (373 students) and SBMPTN (293 students).
But, he will demand more quota from the government. If it is not approved, the Bidikmisi students from independent channel will get free tuition fee every semester.

“We also accepted Bidikmisi students in independent admission. Hopefully, they could compete in the independent channel,” said Prof. Nasih.

Vocational Program

Beside independent admission, UNAIR is also preparing for vocational student selection. The applicants reached 3,471 people as of Thursday July 14 at 1300. From the number, D3 Taxation program and D3 Accounting program were popular. D3 Taxation applicants reached 661 people, while D3 Acounting reached 552 people. The quota for each program was 120 people.

Different from last year’s selection, this year the vocational program selection will be held simultaneously with independent admission so the high school graduates will have their determined choice of their studies, bachelor or diploma programs.

“Because it is not the time for trying. Apply for bachelor program, if they fail they apply for vocational program. Don’t do that again. As of now, they have to decide. Students from SMEA or STM will be pushed to D3,” said the professor of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR. (*)

Author: Defrina Sukma S.
Editor : Bambang Bes.