
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Officials Report Wealth to KPK

UNAIR NEWS – Every state official must report their wealth to Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The report is a form of transparency and accountability of state officials to public. The form of their wealth report should be submitted in two months after their induction and should be updated every two year.

As a form of transparency and accountability to public, Universitas Airlangga officials are filling in the official wealth report (LHKPN). The deadline of their forms submission to KPK is March 15, 2016. UNAIR officials who have to submit their official wealth report are rector, vice rectors, directors, heads of sub-directorates, heads of centers/institutes/boards, deans, vice deans, heads of departments and program coordinators.

On February 23 2016, Rector UNAIR directed and guided on how to fill the LHKPN form. He reminded them on their obligation to fill the LHKPN form for transparency and accountability to public.

UNAIR Human Resources Director, Dr. Purnawan Basundoro, S.S., M.Hum, stated that there are two kinds of forms to fill in. But they have different use, Form A is filled by state officials when they begin to assume office (two months after the induction max), Form B is filled to update it once in two years or any time requested by KPK.

“Deadline to fill in the form is February 29 2016, and it will be submitted to KPK on March 15, 2016,” Purnawan said.

In the forms, they need to fill in the personal data, family data, and wealth calculation such as cash, fixed deposit, giro, debts, credit and power of attorney. Valid evidences must be attached with the submission. (*)

Author: Defrina Sukma S