UNAIR NEWS – In order to make state university admission selection (SBMPTN) a success, the managing campus for computer based testing (CBT), the regional committee of area III was expected to provide 280 computer ready for the selection. Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has prepared 160 computers and 15 more for spares.
It was stated by Vice Rector I UNAIR Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., Sp.PD., K-GH, FINASIM when he was overseeing the computer laboratory in Airlangga Medical Education Center, FK UNAIR, on Wednesday April 27. The computer laboratory as planned will be used for written test CBT SBMPTN 2016.
“UNAIR has been given 160 computers quota to be used for CBT SBMPTN. The written test SBMPTN with CBT is a pilot project, if the time and results are satisfying, then in the future we will go to digitalization,” said the Vice Rector I UNAIR.
So far, the test procurement process has not been finalized, Prof. Djoko said that there are two alternatives for that, it can be uploaded by the central committee through a server and channel it to campuses servers, or the second alternative, the central committee appoints someone to deliver the external harddisk her with the questions bank and uploaded to each server.
Related to the confidentiality of the test and location sterilization, Prof. Djoko guaranteed that it will be reinforced to avoid any leaks. Similar to Prof. Djoko’s opinion, the head of Digital Data Management Unit Mustofa Rusli, dr., Sp.PD, said that the question bank will be saved in a hard disk and well encrypted. “If the hard disk was misplaced, it couldn’t be opened as it could only be opened by special program,” said Mustofa.
According to Syamsuddin, as the CBT supervising committee in FK UNAIR, all FK UNAIR computers to be used for CBT SBMPTN have met the required specs, such as core duo processors.
If there is an electrical disturbance, such as power failure, FK UNAIR committee has prepared UPS (uninterruptible power supply) for each computer which maintains power for five minutes. Then the power will be reset with a power generating engine which can operate for 24 hours.
“If there is problem with the coputer, we will finish the problem in less than a minute so the students will not worry about their test,” Syamsuddin said.
Furthermore, during CBT SBMPTN, jammer will be installed in the location so the internet connection or telephone signals will be contained. (*)
Author: Defrina Sukma S.
Editor : Dilan Salsabila