Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Rector: Graduation is like a terminal, continue immediately your Journey of Life!

UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. M. Nasih, SE, MT, A.k, CMA on the first day of graduation in March 2021. (Source: Doc. Personal)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Graduation Ceremony for March 2021 was held again on Saturday, March 3, 2021. There were 1012 students graduated out of a total of 1973 students. The ceremony also invited the best and outstanding graduates for the offline ceremony and hundreds of other graduates online.

So in the blended method graduation, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. M. Nasih, SE, MT, Ak, CMA in his remarks reminded that graduation is only a small part of the life journey of graduates.

“If life is a long journey, then graduation is the terminal where we stop for a while. Don’t linger, immediately continue your journey towards a noble, happy, and prosperous life, “he said.

At the ceremony in Garuda Mukti Hall, Campus C UNAIR, Prof. Nasih also encouraged the graduates to keep learning. He considers learning as a process that must start from the cradle to the grave.

So, through the education provided by UNAIR as a reputable university, graduates are required to continue studying anywhere and practice their knowledge for the community, so that one day they will be able to become true learners.

In addition, Prof. Nasih also emphasized the quality of UNAIR’s employer reputation which is at the Top 300 globally. It should be used and maintained by the graduates on this occasion.

“UNAIR’s position in the world is around Top 510. And that achievement is manifested through the quality of our reliable graduates. So I believe, when this graduation is over, all of you must be ready to forge your personality and develop your knowledge out there, “he added.

Therefore, Prof. Nasih also advised parents and fellow graduates to provide encouragement and guidance for them, especially in conducting self-evaluation and future achievements.

“After this, there are no more Study Result Cards, no more lecturers who will give directions. All the steps you take are your choices. So keep learning and working. Leave the terminal, and reach the goal of your life! “he concluded. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia