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UNAIR Researcher Develops Stem Cell to Revive Dead Organs

UNAIR NEWS – Medical field always introduces innovations in developing stem cell technology. The latest innovation on stem cell is a research development of replace method using dead organ. The Regenerative and Stem Cell Medical Center Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga-RSUD Dr. Soetomo also works on it.

The Head of Regenerative and Stem Cell Medical Center FK UNAIR–RSDS Dr. Ferdiansyah, dr., SpOT, said that his unit is conducting the research. They bought a bioreactor, an equipment they need for the process.

At the moment, the replace method of merging a transplant procedure with stem cell method is still on animal trials. This innovative development is to answer the problem of limited organ donors. The existing problem has made the researchers to exploit dead organs.

The limited organ donors increase the mortality rate of transplantation patients. “It is a problem in many countries, there are many patients dying as it is difficult to get organ donor,” he said.

Generally, when a person donated his organ, the donor must be alive or the donor is dead but his cell circulation still works normally so their organ is alive. So the transplant procedure can be done.

With stem cell which regenerates damaged cells, Ferdi is optimistic this replace method can revive dead organs by inserting live cells to dead organ, it is expected to be revived and work again so it can be transplanted to other person.

“Stem cell method related to tissue like skin and bones is being practiced and we are working slowly on stem cell for organs,” he said.

In other countries, replace method is at the animal phase trials. Through tissue engineering, this method utilizes dead organ of  a baboon. In the process, the dead baboon kidney original cells are taken then sterilized with special ‘cleaning’ equipment. Meanwhile, live cells from the live baboon kidney are also taken. These live cells are inserted to the dead organ and it works well, the organ is revived.

Code of Ethics Prioritized

When we talk about ethics, every advance innovation can clash with ethics and cause a new problem? Is reviving a dead organ against the code of ethics?

“We talk about its usefulness. Science is like a two-edge knife. The output can be useful or be abused. In this regard, we emphasize the ethical aspects,” said Ferdi.

In the future, the innovation is directed to treat illness with no cures also for terminal disease transplants such as kidney and heart failures, bones disorder until cirrhosis.

Stem cell is a future treatment innovation, so supports from all aspects are needed. Furthermore, RSUD Dr. Soetomo has been assigned as the center of development and education of stem cell and tissue bank since 2014 with RSCM Jakarta. It means, the capability of Stem Cell experts of FK UNAIR-RSDS is acknowledged.

“The obstacles of stem cell development so far are from limited funding. It is crucial as it is related with the research and procurement fund. Abroad, the equipment procurements only need two years, while in Indonesia we have to wait for ten years,” he said.

Author: Sefya H. Istighfarica