UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga continues to expand its network to reach the target of world’s Top 500 university rankings. On Thursday, Feb. 28, Edith Cowan visited Universitas Airlangga to discuss potential collaboration in the field of media and communication.
Irfan Wahyudi, S.Sos., M.Comms., PhD., said that the meeting has reached an agreement on a collaboration for student exchange, short program and academic research. Irfan also said that the collaboration between UNAIR and Department of Communication Edith Cowan University had been established for a long time. Some lecturers in the Communication Department are also graduates of Edith Cowan University Australia and there are also some lecturers who work on joint publications with lecturers there.
“So the foundation is there, we just need to strengthen it and in the future there will be an MoA (Memorandum of Agreement) for the foundation of further activities,” he added.
Irfan had counted three times lecturers of Communication Department Edith Cowan University had come to UNAIR. The lecturers gave the opportunity for potential collaboration. But those who came to the meeting, continued Irfan, were three lecturers who opened a collaboration with representatives of Edith Cowan University.
Irfan hopes that this year the collaboration can be implemented so that UNAIR and Edith Cowan University can exchange students, especially students from bachelors’s and master’s degree. The research collaboration between lecturers is also expected soon.
“The communication will focus more on media and communication on issues related to cultural and media studies,” Irfan added.
In addition, the collaboration will also be focused on human communication. Students from UNAIR will study to Edith Cowan, and Edith Cowan students will study at UNAIR.
“That’s what we will do this year,” he added.
With this collaboration, Irfan also hopes that there will be an effective collaboration between Universitas Airlangga and Edith Cowan University in an effort to improve the university’s rank, especially, to expose students and also lecturers to the global academic environment.
“Partnership with Edith Cowan University has been established since 1996 and it will continue and be improved again,” he concluded.
Author: M. Najib Rahman
Editor: Nuri Hermawan