UNAIR NEWS – Several steps and efforts to realize the target of Top 500 World Class University continues to be carried out by Universitas Airlangga in various sectors. Both within the scope of university and work units in each faculty. Joint synergy is needed in widening UNAIR’s work in international realm.
As part of strengthening the synergy, UNAIR held an Echelon III and IV Working Meeting entitled Synergy of UNAIR Educator Towards 500 World Class University for two days in Solo. Precisely starting on Friday until Saturday (March 1-2, 2019) at Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Sukoharjo, Central Java.
The meeting was attended by Head of Sub Diractorate (Kasubdit), Section Head (Kabag), and Sub-Division Head (Kepala Sub Bagian). In addition, there were also a number of UNAIR leaders at the meeting. Among them, UNAIR Vice Rector II Dr. Muhammad Madyan, SE., M.Si, M.Fin .; Director of Finance Dr. Ardianto SE., M.Si., Ak .; Director of Human Resources (HR) Dr. Purnawan Basundoro S.S., M.Hum .; and Director of Infrastructure and Environment Facilities (SPL) Karnaji, S.Sos., M.Si.
In his remarks, Dr. Madyan expressed his appreciation for educator performance (educational staff in realizing the 500 world class university target for UNAIR). He admitted that a number of achievements this year also showed positive things. However, continued Dr. Madyan, synergy in improving educator performance need to be carried away.
“Changes will continue. We must also respond well. Currently we are still in the top five QS universities in Indonesia, “he said.
“In the future, we will be targeted to rise. Thus, thoughts and contributions are needed from every academics.” he added.
On this occasion, Dr. Madyan also presented UNAIR’s achievements. It is hoped to provide motivation in bringing out other positive outcomes.
Meanwhile, to educator, Dr. Madyan reminded that the planned targets were not merely a burden. However, the target is indeed part of UNAIR as one of the best campuses in Indonesia.
“WCU (World Class University, ed) is not determined by Rector. However, it was determined directly by the ministry to UNAIR. Considering that UNAIR is one of the universities that deserves to enter the world class university, “he said.
Therefore, the synergy between educators are necessary. Dr Madyan said that in the future UNAIR focuses on four things. First, build a reputation. Second, provide benefits. Third, gain recognition. And, fourth, earn the trust.
“Get reputation, not only in national, but also international realm. Then, provide benefits to the nation through research, education, and service. In addition, to gain recognition from the community through qualified graduates. And, earn world’s trust, “he said.
“We hope that in the future with our best effort, we can achieve this target together. Hopefully in the future, Universitas Airlangga will become more prosperous, “he added. (*)
Author: Feri Fenoria