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UNAIR Student Breakthrough for Beautiful and Healthy Lips

PKM-K Funtastis Lipcard Team after the monitoring and evaluation. (Photo: By courtesy)
PKM-K Funtastis Lipcard Team after the monitoring and evaluation. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Four students of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Surabaya from Faculty of Science and Technology, made innovative card-shaped lipstick (Lipcard ) from beetroot extract. Lipcard is one of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) proposals which represent Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in a PKM competition funded by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in the entrepreneurship category. In its practice, the card-shaped lipstick is named Funtastis Lipcard.

The creators of lipcard are Eka Putri Armadani, Nurul Istikhomah, Erlyn Narishki, and Salsa Bila Novita Sari. All three are guided by Dr. Mohammad Imam Utoyo, M.Si.

According to Eka as the team leader, the lipcard contains beetroot extract, which functions as a dye that can be used for lipstick coloring. In beets, he explained, there is betacyanin which is red beet pigments composed of two pigment compounds, red-purple betacyanin, and yellowish betaxanthin.

“Betacyanin is water soluble, rich in nitrogen and produces a reddish color so that it is potential to be used as a natural dye,” she stated.

She also said that the lipcard could be used as an alternative way to dress up practically in a short time, especially for busy women.

Not only Eka, Salsa, one of the team members, also said that lipcard is expected to be useful for many people and able to create new jobs.

“We hope that in the future we can improve people’s welfare,” she explained. “For now, we focus on marketing through online and offline media, and the price is quite inexpensive, only Rp. 25,000,” she added.

In the end, she also said that in addition to an affordable price, Funtastis Lipcard also offers three variants in one package. So, consumers can adjust the color of a lipstick with their skin color.

“Funtastis Lipcard is the latest breakthrough in the world of cosmetics, and it is easy to use, made of natural ingredients with no preservatives,” she concluded.

Author: PKM Lipcard Team

Editor: Nuri Hermawan