Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR student community service program invites Wiyurejo residents to overcome plastic waste problems with Ecobrik

UNAIR student's making Ecobrik Trashcan with Wiyurejo Residents. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – The problem of plastic waste arises in Indonesia, especially in rural areas that still lack knowledge of management procedures. Most plastic waste is destroyed by burning, and this activity can cause harmful effects to the air in the environment.

To overcome this problem, nine of Universitas Airlangga students carried out Back to Village Community Service (KKN-BV) in Wiyurejo Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency carried a mission to minimize plastic waste.

In fact, Wiyurejo Village produces plastic waste every day. The use of disposable plastics and without recycling or reuse measures is very common in the village.

According to Masrudin Firdiansyah or Ferdi said that to overcome plastic waste in Wiyurejo village, they conducted socialization related to the use of plastic waste to minimize the danger of plastic waste.

“Wiyurejo village has a lot of plastic waste; they just collected the trash and burned it. There is no use or concern for the waste, “explained Ferdi on Friday, January 24.

Ferdi and the group picked the Ecobric method to reduce the plastic waste in Wiyurejo. The method minimizes plastic bottle filled with inorganic waste or garbage that cannot be decomposed in a short time.

The goal of Ecobrick is reducing plastic-based waste and recycling with plastic bottles. In addition to the abundant plastic waste, there are also very few trash bins. For this reason, Ecobrick is used as a place to collect plastic waste.

“In addition to overcome the problem, we also held a mini soccer competition for children in Wiyurejo. As a result, we see the extraordinary talents of the Wiyurejo children, “he said.

Hopefully, Wiyurejo village will be a clean village and the program could provide sustainable benefits. Besides, the existence of plastic waste can be taken advantage of crafts that are worth selling.

“It would be better if we began to abandon the use of plastic for a better life, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia