
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Student Wins 1st Place of National Scientific Article Competition

UNAIR NEWS – One of the students of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga achieved another achievement. Previously, he won the Olympiad Competition in Turkey in January, this time, on 14 March, a student named Wahyu Syafi’ul Mubarok won the national scientific article competition held by the central leadership board of Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY).

The student of Physics program from class 2016 followed the contest with the theme of “Ulul Albab Intellectualism Tradition in Responding to the Age and Humanity Challenge”. There are several subthemes in the competition. The subtheme chosen by Wahyu was “Welcoming 4.0 Industry” with an article titled ”Digital Geoeconomy and Position of Youth Post 4.0 Industry”.

“The paper discussed the map of the economy in a digital network, in which there is a digital ecosystem. This article studied youth position post- 4.0 industrial revolution, in addition to discussing the policy map of China One Belt One Road , “said Wahyu.

The competition was followed by academics from various universities in Indonesia. For the selection of the committee, ten articles were selected for presentation at UMY. The first selection was desk evaluation and second is final presentation.

At the desk evaluation stage , Wahyu continued, the script he wrote was in the ninth position, far enough from the top three. Initially, Wahyu was very hesitant to leave for Yogyakarta because there were classes and a practice.

“I did it 9 hours before closing. And, the finalists who come has a lot of experience. There were graduates of research schools, activists who have many programs, a lecturer, until one who raised the topic research of his master’s study, ” said Wahyu, then laughed. “I did not feel inferior actually, but it’s time to learn from those who have experience in scientific forums,” added the Bidikmisi scholarship recipient.

Revelation did not expect the concept that he offered attracted three judges. One of the judges, apparently, was researching a similar issue.  Wahyu won the first place, while the second winner was obtained by UMY students who offered street school concept and philanthropy development for people. The 3rd place was achieved by S2 students from University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) who discussed the problem of women equality. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh

Editor: Feri Fenoria