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UNAIR students create application to help palliative treatment of HIV / AIDS patients

Hendriyan Ogivano at the International Exhibition of Research, Idea & Innovation on Creative and Humanizing at Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI), Malaysia. (Photo: Personal documentation)

UNAIR NEWS – Medical history is very important especially for resident nurses to provide further care to patients. However, not all nurses can track medical histories, such as resident nurses in Dr. Soetomo in providing care to HIV / AIDS patients.

In this regard, Hendriyan Ogivano, a student of Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Airlangga (FST UNAIR) in a team created an application to help palliative treatment of HIV / AIDS patients called ” Med Buddies HIV / AIDS Medication Partner “. The application can help patients to schedule regular medication.

“We made an application to help palliative treatment of HIV / AIDS patients because often people with HIV / AIDS do not take medication regularly,” explained the Information Systems student.

Hendriyan’s team included Najibullah Ulul Albab, a Faculty of Science and Technology student, Rizki Jian Utami, a Faculty of Nursing (FKp) student, Rahmatul Habibah (FKP), and Asih Parama Anindhia (FKP).

According to Hend, there were several stages carried out in the study, brainstorming, finding solutions and implementation into the application system. The brainstorming stage, he continued, was carried out to find the root of the problem.

“The initial stage is to do brainstorming repeatedly to find the main problem, then to find the solution of the problem correctly. After that, it will be implemented into the application system, “explained the final year student.

Hend said that in the process, time became one of the obstacles because it is difficult to find the right time to do brainstorming repeatedly.

“The difficulty may be from finding the right time for brainstorming as it was done many times and we are not free at the same time,” he said.

Hend also revealed that the application has been through a development process and has been tested. Furthermore, the application can also be downloaded via Playstore.

With the application, Hend hoped that in the future the application can developed even more, not only for HIV / AIDS but also for other diseases.

For the application, Hend won Silver Project Best Project category in the Management & Science University on Idea Regeneration Expo 2019 (MSU iREX 2019), on December 16-17 2019, at Chancellor Hall, Management & Science University, Malaysia.

The application also won a gold award at the International Exhibition of Research, Idea & Innovation on Creative and Humanizing on (16-18 / 12/19 ) at the Convention Hall, Level 5 E-Learning, Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Campus (KSAJS ), Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI), Malaysia.

The application is downloadable via the following Play Store page https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ulul.medbuddies

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh