UNAIR NEWS – To prevent and see the danger of depression in pregnant and lactating mothers, the Public Health Study Program of PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi in collaboration with Psychology Department of Syiah Kuala University provided training for midwives and cadres in Banyuwangi in the beginning of April.
The activities were supported by Lentera Kaji and the Australian Government through Alumni Grant Scheme which is administered by Australia Award in Indonesia. The training was held for four days, from 9 to 12 April 2018. The event took place in Minak Jinggo Room, Banyuwangi District Government Office, and Meeting Room, Licin Public Health Center, Banyuwangi.
The event was opened by Head of Public Health of Banyuwangi Health Office. The purpose of the activity itself was to build the capacity of midwives and health cadres in screening pregnant and lactating women with peripartum depression problems and providing them with the necessary support.
According to Susy K. Sebayang, SP., M.Sc., Ph.D., as one of the organizing committee from PSDKU UNAIR Public Health Study Program in Banyuwangi said that in the activity, training module and field consult handbook developed can be used by midwives and health cadres in the field.
“These modules and handbooks are tailored to different languages in Banda Aceh and Banyuwangi so there are tools in Bahasa Indonesia, Javanese, Madurese, Osing and Aceh. Thus it is expected that its measuring instrument can be used by health workers working in the areas where the languages are used, ” she said.
Furthermore, the training, she added, attracted several parties including from one of the villages in Bojonegoro who wish to get the same training.
At the end of the training, she said that there will be 12 midwives, 6 nurses and 40 health cadres in Banyuwangi trained to screen pregnant and lactating women who experience peripartum depression in their areas. So, the training can provide appropriate referrals and support.
“The training results will be evaluated two months after the training to assess how well midwives and health cadres absorb this new knowledge and apply it in routine antenatal and postnatal care services,” she added.
Meanwhile, according to dr. Juwana SN, as Head of Public Health Department of Banyuwangi Health Office said that the training result was in line with Sakinah program developed at Integrated Service Posts (posyandu) in Banyuwangi. After Banyuwangi, the same training will be held in Banda Aceh.
“This activity will be the first in Indonesia to show that routine care before and after childbirth can provide support for pregnant and lactating mothers not only for their physical health but also mental health,” he said.
Author: Siti Mufaida
Editor: Nuri Hermawan