
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Will Not Discriminate Students with Disability

UNAIR NEWS –  The independent admission entrance test for regular or Bidikmisi program will be held simultaneously on July 24, 2016. Among thousands of applicants, UNAIR has accepted application of a student with sight disability.

It was confirmed by Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Secretary Drs. Koko Srimulyo, M.Si, because in principle UNAIR will not discriminate the disabled students. For them, UNAIR will give facility which can ease the disabled students in doing the test.

The entrance test is going to use paper based test (PBT) method. For the student with sight disability, UNAIR will provide trustworthy personnel to help the student with the test. The assistant will read the questions and the choice of answers. So the participant will just need to choose which answer he believes to be correct and the assistant will write the answer on the answer sheet (LJU).

“Participants with disability will be situated in a special room, like the coordinators room. For example, if the participant test location is in FISIP, then he will do the test in the coordinator room. Later, there will be an assistant provided for him. The assistant will be chosen from students which are accustomed to communicate with disabled children. The assistant must be sworn too,” said Koko Srimulyo.

Regarding the matter, the secretary has coordinated with Student Admission Center (PPMB). The participants with disabilities are encouraged to understand the general and special requirements determined by UNAIR. Some programs such as Medical Education required the students to be healthy with no physical disabilities such as color blind.

“So UNAIR will not discriminate. Disabled students are welcomed in UNAIR as long as they are through the selection and meet the requirements. It means that UNAIR will still consider the disabled students as long as they meet the requirements and regulations,” said the lecturer of Library Science of FISIP UNAIR.

It is admitted that only a small number of UNAIR students who are physically disabled. For that matter, UNAIR will improve the facilities for the students so they can learn in UNAIR comfortably.

As we all know, the blind applicant from independent admission, Alfian Andika Yudistira, graduated from SMAN 8 Surabaya, has applied for independent admission and Bidikmisi program. He applied for Sociology FISIP UNAIR. It is confirmed by Vice Dean III Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Myrtati Dyah Artaria, Ph.D.

But despite being blind, Alfian admitted that he can operate many computer programs. He can use a software which can convert hardcopy to sound file, so the blind student can receive written message from a hardcopy to sound format. (*)

Author : Defrina Sukma S.
Editor: Bambang Bes