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Universitas Airlangga establishes publication and citation collaboration with Semmelweis University

Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Dra. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si receive the delegates from Semmelweis University, Budapest Hungary. (Photo: Rissa Ayu F)

UNAIR NEWS – Rector of Semmelweis University, Budapest Hungary made a visit to Universitas Airlangga on Tuesday, January 14, 2020. A meeting was held in Room 301 of Management Office Building, Campus C. It was attended by Vice Rector for Academic, Student and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Dra. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si, Head of Airlangga Global Engagement, Dian Ekowati, SE., M.Si., M.AppCom (OrgCh)., Ph.D with the ranks of vice deans in several faculties.

“We are here to collaborate with Universitas Airlangga because we believe that Universitas Airlangga is one of the best universities in Indonesia with good ranking in the world,” said Prof. Béla Merkely as Rector of Semmelweis University.

In his visit, Prof. Béla Merkely was accompanied by Dr. Nagy Szilar (Former State of Secretary of Health in Hungary), Bodis Gyula (First Advisor of Rector), Irva Rosyida, SE (First Adviser of Indonesia to the Rector), Komlosi Peter (CEO-East-hope ltd.), and Komar Gabor (Expert of Education).

Semmelweis University is a university located in Budapest, Hungary that was founded in 1769. The university focuses on health care to become one of the leading universities in the fields of health and medical science in Hungary and the Central European Region.

“We have six faculties and doctoral schools that cover all aspects of medicine and health ranging from pathology, genetics, pediatrics, pharmacy, dentistry, dietetics, physiotherapy, nursing, health policy, and management to conductor training,” said Béla.

Meanwhile, UNAIR is one of the universities with the best medical and health sciences in Indonesia. “We hope that Semmelweis University can establish cooperation in the field of publications and citations regarding Health,” he added.

Béla said Semmelweis University and Universitas Airlangga had similarities in the development of the latest health and medical science. He believed that the collaboration between the institutions will contribute to many major changes in medical science. He even mentioned that the cooperation allows students from both universities to conduct student exchanges. (*)

Author: Rissa Ayu F

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia