
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Varfest 2016, Ramadan Festivities of Faculty of Vocations

UNAIR NEWS – The sound of Al Banjari rhythmic music echoes in the car park of UNAIR management master program last Sunday, June 12. At least there were 23 groups performing from the afternoon to the evening. They were not only from Surabaya but also from Sidoarjo, Mojokerto Lamongan and Jombang.

The Islamic traditional musical performers who attended to participate in Varfest 2016, Vocation Airlangga Ramadhan Festival. It was held by Faculty of Vocations (FV) UNAIR. “Al Banjari group was given freedom to perform any songs. But  they still have to make Faculty of Vocations (FV) jingle,” said Ali Mustofa, the head of faculty BEM.

Banjari festival, said Ali, is expected to incite religiousness to students and community around campus. Especially in the fasting month, which is believed to be the right moment to pray more. In the contest of Al Banjari, the winners were Ar-Rohmah group, followed with At Taufiq and Al Maliki.

Interestingly, besides Al Banjari rhythmic music, there was also culinary and fashion bazaar in VArfest. At least, there were 75 stands consisted of 43 culinary stands and 32 fashion stands. The participants were not only from Faculty of Vocations (FV) but also from other faculties, PPKK UNAIR, Dompet Dhuafa, and the communities of Surabaya. “The visitor and bazaar guests can enter the area free or charge,” said Ali (*)

Author: Ahalla Tsauro
Editor: Rio F. Rachman