Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Violators appointed as ambassadors, expert: Re-orientation of image is needed

UNAIR NEWS – It is not something new to see the violators of ethics or law in Indonesia appointed as ambassadors in the field violated instead of being given punishment. The latest case was Putu Arimbawa, who cursed people for wearing masks in one of the Surabaya Malls but was later appointed to become an ambassador of health protocols. A similar case in Bekasi, Nawir who previously rejected worshipers from the mosque for wearing a mask, was appointed mask campaign ambassador.

In this regard, one of the lecturers of UNAIR Public Administration, Dr. Falih Suaedi stated that the image of an ambassador who is used as a role model in Indonesia must be reoriented. According to him, ambassadors are real persons who, in reality, have the ability to touch other’s hearts genuinely, not because of some infamy. Therefore, he mentioned that there must be several criteria that need to be considered before someone is appointed as an ambassador.

The first criterion, the lecturer said, is that the figure of an ambassador must have consistent personal growth. Second, the prospective ambassador must also have great concern for the field they are campaigning. In addition, an ambassador must also be able to provide added values related to the field being campaigned for and implement the values ​​of that field consistently in life.

“If the violators are made ambassadors, I see it as a waste. The effect is also naught because ambassadors are supposed to be role models, but the public already knows that the person appointed does not implement the values properly and consistently ​​,” explained the lecturer.

Furthermore, Dr Falih explained that based on a Bandura theory, a role model must meet two criteria. First, the person must be able to identify or encourage others to do something as they do. In terms of identification, an ambassador must be able to inspire and motivate others. Meanwhile, the second criterion is that the figure must provide examples and support.

“So we cannot appoint an ambassador on the basis that the figure is infamous or goes viral. It is time for the ambassador to be taken from those who are not on sky-high, but down to earth,” he emphasized.

Regarding the down-to-earth figure mentioned, Dr Falih explained that it is permissible to take an ambassador from the lower classes. Therefore, according to him, the figure can approach and direct the masses naturally.

“When we see that there are other people from the lower classes who actually do something, our hearts will be touched, and we will be moved to do the same. Thus, the most important thing about being an ambassador is to actually do it consistently in real life and be able to move a lot of people,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Feri Fenoria (YA/AP)