UNAIR NEWS – Quarter life crisis is often heard when discussing crisis often experienced by adolescents and young adults aged 19 to 39 years. According to Endang R. Surjaningrum, M.AppPsych., Psychologist, it a transition phase from adolescents to young adults where they are vulnerable to pressures.
“Every change in the growth phase will cause tension for someone because in each phase of growth, people will have demands or expectations from the surrounding environment in accordance with the stages of their growth, “said Endang.
Entering the phase of young adulthood, individuals are expected to be independent in many ways. They begin to feel autonomy over themselves and take responsibility for what they choose. And when they are given responsibility, they are expected to fulfill these responsibilities.
The problem is, not everyone is ready to face these expectations. Some people at that age might not have a permanent job, or if they have a permanent job, the salary is not so high that they feel they are not independent in financial aspects.
Some people may be expected to marry soon when they feel not ready either mentally or materially and various other demands resulting in emotional tension in the individual.
“I think that’s what caused emotional tension. Not to mention at that age, emotional maturity is not yet stable. So someone is easily triggered by outside factors, ” she explained.

This condition can become a syndrome if it interferes with other life functions, especially social functions. Some ways to deal with this phase are:
Realizing something that is not right for themselves
First, one must understand that something is not right for them. There is something wrong when they feel too cranky, their concentration disturbed, they had bad friendships, and so forth.
“When someone understands that something is wrong with him, he will try to change,” said Endang.
Analyzing gaps that have not yet been fulfilled
When someone knows he is experiencing a quarter life crisis, it is necessary to look back at what gaps he has not yet fulfilled, what made him most uncomfortable at work, relationships with others, relationships with family, or other problems.
Looking at self positively
Start to recognize yourself, be honest and open to yourself about strengths and potentials and then maximize them.
“We must accept that people have strengths and weaknesses. But we should refer to our strengths, ” she explained.
Looking for help
There are several ways to get help, such as telling people closest to them like friends and family. When there are unstable emotional changes for at least two weeks or for one month which ultimately disrupts social functioning, then they should go to a psychologist to get professional help.
“When you realize something is not right, immediately find a friend to talk about it. If you keep it to yourself, it can be a problem. The key is communication, self-recognition and self-disclosure, “Endang concluded. (*)
Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh