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Work and Study Simultaneously, Train Mental and Soft Skill

UNAIR NEWS – There are so many benefits of working and studying simultaneously. It trains our mental awareness and improves our attitude during interaction with public. Our soft skill in communication is also trained.

Umar Fanani, alumnus D3 Otomaasi Sistem Instrumentasi (Foto: Istimewa)
Umar Fanani, an alumnus D3 Automation Instrumentization System(Photo: Special)

Umar Fanani, an alumnus UNAIR D3 Automation Instrumentation System,  shared his opinion. The 25 year-old-man who is currently studying at UNESA Electrical Engineering said that working and studying simultaneously give him insights and experience especially when works in Information and Public Relations Center (PIH) UNAIR, communication skill is always practiced.

“Specifically, I work with the protocol division. I learn to be skilled and dexterous there when I interact with people, including doing my task effectively and efficiently according to the agenda. In this regard, discipline is the key,” said the man who has ever been in 11K running competition in  Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) in 2012.

Dian Wirawan Noeraziz mahasiswa jurusan Psikologi (Foto: Istimewa)
Dian Wirawan Noeraziz a psychology student (Photo: Special)

Similar viewpoint expressed by Dian Wirawan Noeraziz. The man born in Bojonegoro, July 8, 1991 said that eventhough still at college, someone needs to look forward to professional world. “So that we won’t be shocked when we work fulltime,” said the student of Psychology who serves in PIH UNAIR.

The man who has had basic training in Student Regiment (Menwa) for a month in Malang and a shooting course in Bandung in 2011 was grateful to be able to serve in PIH. He has had many opportunities to meet and interact with high state officials such as a minister or even a president. It was an unforgettable experience of his life.

Increasing Allowance

A consequence of working and studying simultaneously is that there is always more pocket money. “Frankly, working will increase your allowance,”said I Wayan Putra Radityawan, a Psychology student working in protocol division of PIH.

I Wayan Putra Radityawan mahasiswa Psikologi (Foto: Istimewa)
I Wayan Putra Radityawan, a Psychology Student (Photo: Special)

The most important thing said the man born Liquica, October 30 1994, was that PIH expanded his connections. The man who has been the champion of cross-country competition of Menwa in Madura is traying to get connection to study further to master program. Connection he meant was valid information.

The man who has been twice trusted as the Surya Senja ceremony inspector in Grahadi  Pemuda said that serving guests visiting UNAIR had its fun, especially  when the participant reaching 800 people in a day (including school visit). ”I really enjoyed this job,” he said. (*)

Author: Rio F. Rachman