
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

World Turtle Day Commemoration, Here is the Opinion of UNAIR PSDKU Aquaculture Lecturer

UNAIR NEWS – Every year on May 23 is celebrated as world turtle day. The commemoration is intended as an effort to increase world community awareness of the importance of turtle conservation for the marine ecosystem.
In this regard, interviewed by UNAIR NEWS the Lecturer of Aquaculture Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK) PSDKU Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) M. Faizal Ulkhaq, S.Pi., M.Si., on Wednesday, May 22 gave his opinion on the commemoration of world turtle day. According to him, the commemoration of world turtle day is campaigning turtles preservation.
“The commemoration of the world turtle day is a day where our efforts to preserve sea turtles, both in terms of knowledge about turtles, conservation efforts, and the importance of turtles for the marine ecosystem,” he said.
The more days the existence of turtles in the sea is increasingly scarce. According to him, besides the lack of human awareness of sea turtles, fishermen are not using the right nets, so there are turtles captured in fishing nets. In 2015, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries issued a letter No. 525 concerning the Implementation of Turtle, Egg, Body Parts and/or Derivative Protection, there are six types of sea turtles protected in Indonesia. Among them, green turtles, hawksbill sea turtles, loggerhead turtles, leatherback turtles, ridel / gray turtles, and flatback turtles.
“If human awareness of turtles remains minimal, then the existence of sea turtles in the sea will be increasingly scarce. Maybe our grandchildren will not able to witness turtles later, “he explained.In addition, many sea turtles eat plastic to survive. We must do something by maintaining marine ecosystems.
The lecturer who is familiarly called Faizal also advised that the role of fisheries students in world turtle day commemoration is one of Tri Dharma of higher education, namely community service. In addition, providing information about trash in order to preserve sea turtles is also needed.
“Many things can be done by fisheries students on the commemoration of this world turtle day, together with the community maintaining the marine ecosystem. “he said.
Author: Dian Putri Apriliani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan