
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

This year, Four Study Programs PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi Ready for Accreditation

UNAIR NEWS – Accreditation of four study programs in campus environment of Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi continues to be done. The arrangement of the curriculum, improvements to facilities, and the improvement of the completeness for the need of accreditation have been prepared.

On that matter, Coordinator PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi Prof., Dr., Suryanto, M.Si., said that the accreditation target for the four study program has been prepared since last year. The reason, accreditation of programs are very closely related to the quality of graduates who will enter the professional world.

“Therefore, we are committed that this year, all study programs must be accredited,” said Prof. Suryanto.

Meanwhile, the Dean of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK) UNAIR Prof. Dr. Mirni Lamid, drh., MP., stated that regarding the accreditation, her faculty management always support. Various efforts were made such as the support to redesign the curriculum and the addition of facilities for practice.

“We do not stay quiet and just let them be. Students of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi are also our responsibility. So, for our target of accreditation B is a minimum, “said Prof. Mirni. “We cannot get A yet because, we do not have graduates, ” she added.

In line with Prof. Mirni, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) UNAIR Prof. Dr. Pudji Srianto, M.Kes., stressed that regarding the accreditation of PSDKU UNAIR study program in Banyuwangi, his faculty is trying to get B as well. Although the veterinary medicine program will have to continue to professional education at UNAIR Surabaya, the faculty works hard to achieve the expected result.

“For veterinary professional education, our students in PSDKU will be pulled in Surabaya. However, while we are still aiming for better accreditation result, “said Prof. Pudji.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Feri Fenoria