
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

With Many Achievements, Depkom Holds Egalitarian Principle

UNAIR NEWS – One of FISIP departments with many achievements is Department of Communications. Recently, a foremost magazine has conducted a survey. The respondents were parents of future freshmen and users (institutions and professional community).

Through the survey, UNAIR Depkom was nominated and rewarded as the best communications school in Indonesia. Department established on May 19, 1988 was the best among other state or private universities in the survey.

“We have received many appreciations like this. We are grateful for being entrusted by many parties,” said Dr. Yayan Sakti Suryandaru S.Sos., M.Si., the Head of Department of Communications.

Depkom has shown many excellences. It is natural for the department to receive positive regards from people. The lecturing atmosphere is also interesting as the lecturers hold egalitarian principle with the students.

A lecturer, Kandi Aryani S.Sos., MA., said that his department considers students as partners and the lecturers never want to dominate them. “What we feel is our desire to share,” said the woman graduated from Utrech University.

For example, as she explained, when there was a film showing, the film was reviewed and discussed together. All students were given opportunities to give their opinions including to discuss it with the lecturers.

In that occasion, lecturers or students are equal. “I got a lot of insights from the discussion. It means I also learned from them,” Kandi said. (*)

Author: Rio F. Rachman