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UNAIR to Cooperate With Hanyang University

UNAIR NEWS – The delegation from Hanyang University, South Korea, lead by Prof. Lee Eun Kyu and representatives of Daewoong, a South Korea pharmaceutical company, visited UNAIR on Tuesday, February 16. Their visit was to discuss possible cooperation with UNAIR, especially in the field of science and medicine.

UNAIR high officials such as Vice Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM, Vice Rector III for Publications, Research, and Academic Cooperation, Prof. Ir. M. Amin Alamsjah, M.Si., Ph.D and Vice Rector IV for Business Cooperation and Alumni Junaidi Khotib, S.Si., M.Kes., Ph.D., Apt welcomed them.

“UNAIR was appointed by the government to reach Top 500 World Class University, this cooperation with Hanyang University will accelerate UNAIR to achieve the target,” Prof. Amin Alamsjah said.

Vice Rector IV Junaidi Khotib, Ph.D also added that the cooperation can be performed from student and staff exchange to joint research cooperation.

“We have had active cooperation with Daewoong for the last few years, and we expect our cooperation with Hanyang will also run well,” said the lecturer from Faculty of Pharmacy.

Prof. Lee who is a professor on bioprocessing and biorecognition said that Hanyang and UNAIR are currently focusing on internationalization, so this cooperation should be highly appreciated.

“Hanyang is strong on its science and technical field. We have also cooperated well with an industrial company,” he said.

In the meeting, representatives from some faculties and institutes such as Faculty of Pharmacy, faculty of Dentistry, faculty of Science and Technology and Instituteof Tropical Disease (ITD) were also present. They discuss about possible cooperation to perform with Hanyang in the future.

Biopharmaceutical Products General Lecture
After being welcomed by the high officials, Prof. Lee Eun Kyu gave a general lecture at UNAIR Hospital on their biopharmaceutical products, one of the pharmaceutical field which create medicine of nature through biotechnology project. He emphasized well the importance of industry based on science and technology in order to operate the country’s economy.

In the occasion, he elaborated how pharmaceutical products are developed from the laboratory to big industrial scales. These product itself are extensively developed, the data Institute of International Studies and Training, Japan, showed that biopharmaceutical product industry has risen in the world. In Asia the usage of new pharmaceutical products, in 2014 has reached 1.3862 billion users, the number is considered higher compared to Europe with 582.4 million and South America with 320.3 million users.

“Indonesia has about 30,000 kinds of plants and 3,000 of them are herbal, so with vast collection of natural resources, it is a pity if researches conducted on them only end as scientific papers, final assignments or thesis only. There should be real products made out of them which are useful for the nation,” said the President Director of Medical Science Institute UNAIR Prof. Nasronudin which also attended the general lecture.(*)

Author : Yeano Andhika, Dwi Astuti