Eks Gafatar. (Foto: Jpnn.com)
UNAIR NEWS – The former Gafatar members who have been expelled from Kalimantan face dilemma as most of them felt reluctant to go back home to their hometown. They do not have anything at home. There was even a rumour which said that their family did not want them back. They were in a transmigration program to Borneo island to start a new life but in the end they got themselves afflicted with sorrow.
The government have to be able to manage this condition. Executive or legislative must provide solution. “As far as I know for various sources, these Gafatar former members has passion in food security sector. Government should be able to optimize the potential,” Drs Gitadi Tegas Supramudyo M.Si., public policies’ observer from UNAIR said.
He said that they can be directed to work on unproductive land in their own area. If they cannot work in their hometown, at least they can do it in another area of the same province or same island.
After being directed, their safety should be guaranteed because they are also Indonesian citizens who should be protected. The government involvement is put to the test especially the local government. There cannot be another chaos.
On the other hand, those who are still affiliated with Gafatar should be protected. There can be no more violence. If there is a mistake in their belief and it worries some people, then correct them appropriately.
“Give them enlightenment through experts, for example from a religious leader who is also a psychologist. So, the treatment can be precise,” Gitadi said. “Don’t let them feel stateless. Humanity should be prioritized. Keep in mind, they are not terrorists,” he said..
The lecturer of Public Administration of FISIP UNAIR worried, that the trigger of intimidating acts were people who should protect them. They looked furious reacting and viewing this issue when everything can be faced calmly.
The point is, all elements of the society have to pay attention to this sensitive issue on faith and ideology. It means they have to provide surprising and smart solution instead of creating frictions among the society. (*)
Author: Rio F. Rachman