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Is psychological preparedness include in the disaster risk reduction policy framework in Indonesia

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Indonesia geographical location that surrounded by Australia plate, Pacific plate, and Eurasia plate has made the country exposed to disasters. Disasters has a devastated impact for Indonesian people not only in terms of economically but also socially and psychologically. Effort has been placed and policy has been implemented to reduce the risk and impact of disaster in order to reach one of the Sustainable Development Goals in achieving sustainable cities and communities.

One of priority for action in disaster risk reduction that are applied by Government Indonesia is improving disaster preparedness to respond effectively to a disaster. According to Tanesab, regulatory system and policy practices of disaster risk management should be strengthened and synchronized in order to increase the effectiveness of disaster risk reduction in Indonesia. Thus, it is important to analyse the disaster risk reduction policy that has been implemented in Indonesia in order to reduce the risk of disaster and achieve sustainable cities and communities as state in the Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose of the study is to analyse current disaster risk reduction policy framework in Indonesia, examine whether the current policy framework has address and includes psychological preparedness for disaster and propose a solution for designing appropriate policy to reduce psychological impact of disaster.

Based on the analysis of potential disaster that might strike Indonesia as a result of geographical location and also the document analysis of Government Law that govern disaster management, there are several key recommendations to strengthen the Indonesia’s legal framework for Disaster Management as mean to reduce the risk of disaster for the nation, as well as addressing some of the major gaps especially in related to psychological preparedness for disaster. The following are the recommendations: 1. Amendments of Disaster Management Law which are Law No 24 of 2007 by including disaster preparedness especially psychological preparedness for disaster in its Chapter and Article; 2. Amendments Law No 26 of 2007 that govern spatial management planning to support the Law No 24 of 2007 by integrating disaster factor in its Chapter and Article.

Author: Listyati Setyo Palupi

Details of the article can be viewed at:
