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Department of Physiology and Medical Biochemistry focuses on developing tele-education skills

Staff of Physiology and Medical Biochemistry Department Faculty of Medicine UNAIR. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – The pandemic requires us to minimize all face-to-face activities. Therefore, activities are held online, and the field of education is now based on tele-education or distanced learning. 

Department of Physiology and Medical Biochemistry is one of 29 departments in Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). So far, the Ministry has also implemented tele-education.  According to Dr. Gwenny Ichsan Prabowo, dr., M. Kes. Head of the Department of Physiology and Medical Biochemistry, it has not been implemented optimally.

“Physiology, molecular biology & medical biochemistry education in undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral education is still not optimal,” she said.

Therefore, Gwenny and her team decided to conduct workshops and seminars aimed at strengthening resources in implementing tele-education. It is primarily aimed at human resources who do not follow the update of tele-education.

Regarding its excellence, the Department has an annual program that is quite well known, Indonesian Medical Physiology Olympiad (IMPHO) whose activities are in the form of national quizzes on Physiological Medicine. The department is also well-known for its animal biochemical laboratory for students’ research at all levels, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral education as well as for lecturers and researchers from FK UNAIR, UNAIR and external researchers. The teaching staff is always active in following the development of Medical Molecular Biology including omics.

“This is the most important thing to support research at all levels in FK,” she explained.

Moreover, the teaching staffs also make achievements. Three teaching staffs Prof. Soetjipto, dr., MS., PhD, Dr. Siti Khaerunnisa, M.Si and Dr. Citrawati Dyah Kencono Wungu, dr., M.Si have won an award from the Ministry of Research and Technology-National Agency for Research and Technology as authors of high-quality scientific articles.

The alumni also make the alma mater proud. From the master’s program of Basic Medical Sciences in Biochemistry, Prof. Soetjipto, dr., MS., PhD has been First Chairman of Central PBBMI and Chair of the Indonesian College Curriculum Evaluation Commission, Prof. Dr. Suhartati, dr., MS as Dean of Faculty of Medicine UWK and Dr. Sugiyanta, dr., M. Ked as Vice Dean 3 of the University of Jember. While the graduate of master’s program in Sports Health Science, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes, AIFO, is Rector of Yogyakarta State University, Prof. Nurhasan as Rector of the State University of Surabaya and several others are in the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI).

As for the big plans of the department, in the Physiology section, they plan to strengthen tele-education as well as strengthen the position of Physiology in professional and specialist education. Meanwhile, in the Medical Biochemistry section, the development of tele-seminars or training in Molecular Biology – OMICS and its development are in the context of strengthening medical molecular biology in professional education and specialist education. (*)

Author: Rista Novianti

Editor  : Nuri Hermawan