
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Closer Look at HMKH PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi

UNAIR NEWS – Veterinary Medicine Student Association (HMKH), Off Main Campus Study Program, Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi, is a body that unites the students of Veterinary Medicine PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi.

HMKH was founded by the first batch of students of Veterinary Medicine Study Program PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi in 2015. Now, HMKH PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi has undergone 3 stewardship period. The period 2017-2018 was led by Khoirul Arifin as Head and Jati Kusuma as the Deputy.

“I think the meaning of HMKH is not just about organization, not about me being the head, but HMKH is like a family,” told Khoirul to UNAIR NEWS team .

Regarding the management structure, Khoirul explained, HMKH consisted of a management body and seven divisions. One of them is the Equine Care Division whose work programs cover the interest and talent of students in horse care.

“There’s also Fowl Care division. From the name we know that the division focuses on all about poultry such as chicken, duck, pet birds, peacock, and others, “he added.

In addition, he explained, there is also a division of Communications and Information Commission (Kominfo) which is responsible for communicating and providing information from internal to external, or vice versa. Then, there is a PSDM Division that is tasked to develop the quality of each individuals from the Veterinary Medicine Student of PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi.

“From the structure, HMKH has made a lot of achievements with a lot of work community service programs every year, such as free egg and milk distribution in October, free vaccinations in September, free check-ups and medication to livestock in May, examination of sacrificial animals before and after death, to national and international seminars, “he said.

At the end, asked about expectations, Khoirul said that the most important in the next management, he and his team expected them to bring changes to FKH with mutual openness and ultimate mutual trust.

“HMKH itself has a motto that is” One Voice HMKH Jaya “which means HMKH is one and solid team, if it can go well then HMKH would be glorious,” he concluded. “Run the organization and do not seek life in the organization, the organization is the first, and the study is the most important,” he concluded.

Author: Sayyida Kamila Dini (Student of FKH PSDKU UNAIR 2016)

Editor: Nuri Hermawan