Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Collaboration of UNAIR – Surabaya City government deal with Coronavirus spread

UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih with the Mayor of Surabaya in a press conference in front of the media. (Photo: Alif Fauzan)

UNAIR NEWS – After President Joko Widodo announced the first case of coronavirus infected two Indonesians, the public show various reactions. Many residents show great anxiety so there are people buying masks, food ingredients. Moreover, a lot of irresponsible information appears on social media, causing a lot of commotion.

To reduce the commotion in the community, Surabaya City Government and Universitas Airlangga took quick steps. Mayor of Surabaya visited the Institute of Tropical Diseases (LPT) and UNAIR Teaching Hospital which has qualified facilities to detect symptoms of the coronavirus.

After reviewing various facilities owned by LPT and UNAIR Hospital, Risma with experts and UNAIR Rector held a press conference. On that occasion, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT, Ak., CMA ., said that in connection with the case of the coronavirus outbreak, UNAIR is ready to give various treatments with its facilities.

“However, as spread in the community. Our nation has strong resilience with various herbs and natural resources found around us, “he explained.

With a few spices, he added, all had gone through a research process. One that gets global recognition is the essence of Sambiloto which has medicinal benefits for malaria treatment.

“We know, these herbal medicines can be used as a reference to prevent the entry of coronavirus in the body because the virus is very similar,” he said.

Meanwhile, Director of UNAIR Teaching Hospital Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, Sp.PD., KPTI-FINASIM also appealed that in anticipating the coronavirus, Universitas Airlangga Hospital is on alert anticipating the virus. It was evidenced by the presence of special facilities and teams that handle the virus.

“If there are members of community suspected with the disease, they are expected to immediately report and check their condition to RSUA and if the patient is confirmed with the disease, research team from UNAIR will provide special treatment and further research to find the vaccine,” he said.

Coronavirus, added Prof. Nasron, can be eliminated by the immunity of the body itself. Malignant Corona virus can be defeated with strong immunity.

“So remain calm, maintain health, hygiene and vigilance,” he said.

Furthermore, Surabaya Mayor Tri Risma on the same occasion encouraged the people of Surabaya City not to panic, be confused or anxious from the entry of corona virus in Indonesia.

“UNAIR and Surabaya City Government are collaborating in facilitating their community for the examination and treatment for the suspected or confirmed for free at Universitas Airlangga Hospital,” said Risma. “If you have symptoms, cough, fever, flu and breathing difficulties, please check it with UNAIR Hospital. The cost will be covered by the City Government of Surabaya, ” she concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan